This submission to the Government of Canada recommends reforms to the Privacy Act to mitigate privacy and security risks currently faced by people in Canada with respect to facial recognition technology.
Using futures research and expert workshops, this report explores a broad range of trends with the potential to impact Canada’s labour market over the coming decade—many of which have been accelerated, disrupted, or created by COVID-19. It is designed to ...
This report provides a detailed understanding of internet and device access in Toronto amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 using a multi-method survey.
A surprising consensus is emerging across the political spectrum in Canada on two issues: governments need to engage in activist industrial policy; and economic growth isn’t a sign of success if it exacerbates inequalities, damages the environment, destroys communities and ...
Creative businesses and workers are a vital component of Canada’s economy, from freelancers, artist collectives, to internationally competitive firms, spurring innovation and knowledge transfer, commercial and cultural value, and employment opportunities. This project explores the role of creative entrepreneurship in ...