A Compass to Canada’s Innovation + Entrepreneurship Ecosystem
July 2016

Executive Summary
Given the ongoing growth of Canada’s innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem, it is important that we understand the roles, purpose, and connections between the actors operating within it. An ecosystem-oriented approach allows us to see the actors in action – not in silos, but within networks of organizations contributing to a larger system. This framework provides an overview of important concepts and latest thinking in innovation and entrepreneurship. It attempts to organize some of the actors that are part of Canada’s innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem. It is intended as a compass to help you navigate the considerable volume of actors and interactions in the ecosystem and dive deeper into specific areas.
Read this report to help you:
- Review core concepts in innovation + entrepreneurship
- Lay a foundation for a dynamic overview of the Canadian innovation + entrepreneurship ecosystem
- Adopt a conceptual framework to organize and navigate the actors involved
- Understand at a high-level how different types of actors contribute to Canada’s ecosystem
- Identify key actors at national and sub-national levels