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Beyond the $ Value: Attitudes, behaviours, and aspirations of Ontario entrepreneurs

December 2017

Beyond the $ Value: Attitudes, behaviours, and aspirations of Ontario entrepreneurs


Annalise Huynh

Annalise Huynh

Viet Vu

Viet Vu

Matthew Lo

Matthew Lo



Executive Summary

The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) is a longitudinal study of entrepreneurial activity and economic growth that draws on data from over 60 countries. In comparison to other major cross-national studies that place an emphasis on firms—in particular, on their financial metrics—GEM focuses on the entrepreneur as the unit of analysis and describes the culture and circumstance of entrepreneurship.

While this report does not capture the full picture of entrepreneurship in Ontario, it illuminates the lived experience of entrepreneurs, from why they start businesses to why their businesses succeed or fail.