In recent years, Canadian governments at all levels have made significant investments in technology to advance our economy. These investments include billions of dollars in groundbreaking research in fields like quantum computing and artificial intelligence and the establishment of superclusters nationwide. Canada is witnessing the growth of world-class tech companies and attracting attention from major international firms like Amazon and Google. Notably, substantial investments are being made in nurturing the most valuable resource in the tech sector: its people.
As technology continues to permeate various sectors of the economy, tech workers have become essential for the success of many industries. From aerospace engineers to video game designers and metallurgical engineers, tech workers play crucial roles in companies of all sizes, contributing diverse skills and outputs. However, numerous Canadians lack clear pathways to tech jobs, and within the tech sector, issues related to pay and opportunities for career advancement are unevenly distributed.
This report aims to provide insight into the demographics of Canada’s tech workers and highlights diversity and equity within tech-related occupations. It underscores the significance of individuals employed in tech occupations across the country while also drawing attention to those who are underrepresented in this sector.