Using a wide array of data, we explore Canada’s inclusive innovation performance relative to international peers. COVID-19 and the ensuing economic crisis have revealed the need to boost participation in the innovation economy and broaden the distribution of its benefits ...
Our new employment and skills forecast—the culmination of our Employment in 2030 project—provides a new tool for understanding how Canada’s employment and skills landscape could change between now and 2030. The accompanying report, Ahead by a Decade, explores what this ...
In partnership, the Brookfield Institute and the Innovation Policy Lab introduce, articulate the need for, and conceptualize a new way to monitor innovation and inclusion (or inclusive innovation) in Canada—and shed light on how the country is performing
This report explores the risks and rewards automation and outlines the dual challenge technology advances present to Ontario’s economy—to simultaneously improve lagging technological adoption, while mitigating its negative impacts for some workers—and proposes a bold strategy to meet this challenge ...