Higher Education

This report aims to provide federal and provincial policymakers and post-secondary leaders with actionable advice for renewing international education in Canada.
Ontario’s Blue-Ribbon Panel on Postsecondary Financial Sustainability provided thoughtful, utilitarian advice to the government for shoring up university and college finances in the near-term. But with postsecondary education in the midst of profound and longer-term changes, did this moment actually ...
This report investigates outcomes tracking in Canadian higher education and related notions of quality and value assessment, with the aim of informing better post-secondary policy, education and labour market planning, and learner career pathway navigation.
CASE is a diverse group of organizations, community groups, parents, students, educators and individuals who share the common goal of effectively ending the practice of academic streaming in Ontario schools. The Coalition worked to conduct research, advance advocacy and raise ...
Academic streaming describes the process of dividing students into differentiated groups based on their perceived academic ability and/or prior achievement. While streaming happens both formally and informally across grade levels, entrance into secondary school in Ontario marks a more institutional ...