Employment in 2030 Action Labs
December 2021
About These Reports
Employment in 2030 Action Labs is the bookend of the Employment in 2030 initiative. Building upon these efforts to date, Action Labs explores how to translate the Forecast of Canadian Occupational Growth (FCOG), and existing sources of labour market information into tangible solutions that could help job seekers and workers prepare for their future.
Executive Summary
This summary provides an overview of the Employment in 2030 Action Labs project and key findings from each regional summary.
BC Regional Summary
This report provides an overview of regional insights from British Columbia. Working with our partner, RADIUS SFU, we worked on a regional challenge question focused on immigrant, refugee and newcomer women to access culturally relevant and meaningful opportunities to leverage and future-proof their skills.
Manitoba Regional Summary
This report provides an overview of regional insights from Manitoba. Working with our partner, Tech Manitoba, we worked on a regional challenge question focused on helping high school students to better prepare for the future workforce, and in particular for navigating non-linear career paths, through improved career guidance and development of foundational skills and abilities.
NFLD + Labrador Regional Summary
This report provides an overview of regional insights from Newfoundland and Labrador. Working with our partner, NL Workforce Innovation Centre, College of the North Atlantic, we worked on a regional challenge question focused on supporting career practitioners to support displaced, highly skilled mid- to late-career (40+ years) job seekers to explore future-oriented skills and new, alternative careers in order to facilitate career transitions.
Sommaire Régionale QB
This report provides an overview of regional insights from Québec. Working with our partner, Observatoire competence-emplois, we worked on a regional challenge question focused on how to support mid-career workers in less-skilled occupations in the tourism, hospitality and leisure industry to acquire new skills that will equip them for tomorrow’s labour market.
Please note this report is only available in French. If you’re interested in the English copy, please contact us at brookfield.institute@ryerson.ca.
Yukon Regional Summary
This report provides an overview of regional insights from Yukon. Working with our partner, Yukon University, we worked on a regional challenge question focused on supporting youth (from age 15 to 24) to future-proof their skills and enable an easier transition to the workforce, and in particular to prepare to navigate non-traditional or undefined career paths.
LMI Insights Report
This report provides an overview of key insights gleaned from our research process, a set of considerations for organizations generating LMI, along with some bold ideas about how we think LMI should be redesigned to meet the needs of workers.
Read this report to help you understand how we might shift to worker-centric LMI in the future.