An Action Plan for Renewing Ontario’s International Education System examines the role of international students in Ontario's postsecondary system, highlighting concerns over recruitment practices, housing access, and the quality of student experience, and proposes key areas for reform.
The Dais has launched a major new initiative: Canadian Democracy @ Work. It is designed to combat the effects of disinformation and to increase democratic engagement among Canadians through accessible workplace training in civic, media, and AI literacy. The structure ...
A set of questions to gauge trust in Canadian democracy and electoral processes, as part of the annual and nationally representative Survey of Online Harms in Canada.
The Survey of Online Harms in Canada 2024 provides up-to-date insights on Canadian residents’ experiences with harmful online content, and their views on the role of government and platforms in addressing those harms.
A policy response brief to Bill 194: Strengthening Cyber Security and Building Trust in the Public Sector Act, 2024, tabled by the Government of Ontario’s Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery on May 13th, 2024. The Bill seeks to ...